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  • Writer's pictureColleen King

Set Yourself Free

Uncaged Wallflower

The book of poems Uncaged Wallflower by Jennae Cecelia, exudes a warmth and familiarity that both make for a wonderful read. The poet addresses topics from depression and anxiety to breakups and love. Jennae Cecelia(2016) explains, “I wrote Uncaged Wallflower for those who feel trapped in the thoughts their minds produce, unable to express them with the rest of the world out of fear of critique or disagreement”(n.p.). The speaker of each poem is empowering and encourages the reader to break out of whatever might be holding them back. Many of the poems are untitled, such as the one that reads “And that’s the thing/about people./ You can wrap them up/ in kindness & love,/ and they will still have/ something cold to say/ about you”(Cecelia, 2016, n.p.). This poem teaches readers that it sometimes doesn’t matter how much you try to make someone like you. In the end, that person might just never change. It reminds me of the old adage: “You can be the sweetest peach in the orchard. But some people just don’t like peaches.” This poem was especially important for me to read. I am someone who wants everyone to like them. I realize this more about myself as I get older. I will do the things that I think other people want me to do. Only now am I beginning to realize that I need to make decisions for myself and embrace what is truly important to me. This is a lesson that is meaningful for any young adult to read while they are discovering their path.

Farid, I. (2016) Retrieved from

I recommend this book of poems for anyone who wants a quick read that holds surprising depth within its pages. This book offers doses of confidence, reassurance, and comfort all in one. Both young men and young women will find the poems relatable and honest. Please read this book if you are struggling with any type of internal conflict or if you just want to escape for an hour or so.


Cecelia, J. (2016) Uncaged Wallflower.

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